About us

Christiaan has a long trackrecord in Information Technology in different management positions and in different branches. He has witnessed the development of IT from the punch cards to the contemporary Internet era, and the speed of innovation in IT is only accelerating. This will open up new possibilities we cannot imagine today.
Christiaan is fascinated by the challenges today's IT leaders face to live up to this speed. How can they safely and reliably run today's (legacy) applications and at the same time progress (accelerate) on the road of innovation and agility.
Learning from experiences of other companies (the front runners), he now dedicates his time to help IT leaders in their quest for high performance, agility and power-to-innovate.
He conducts master classes and workshops and offers strategic advice on these matters, with particular attention to people and culture.
Contact Christiaan on: christiaan.kooijman@agility.nu